Process Analysis Toolkit  (PAT) 3.5 Help  

  The right panel of the system editor is used for drawing the process. There are currently four drawing functions named Add New State, Delete, Add Link, Export Drawing as Bitmap.

  1. Add New State : This button is used to create a new state. Choose this button and click anywhere in the canvas. Beside this way, a new state can be added from the context menu in the canvas by right click in the canvas and choose New State.
  2. Delete : Selecting this button will delete all the currently selected items including states, links, nails.
  3. Add Link : This tool is used to create a new link connecting two states. Choose this tool first and then choose two states to be connected. Between choosing two states, if you click anywhere in the canvas, a new nail will be automatically added to the screen.
  4. Export Drawing as Bitmap : Export the current canvas to a bitmap. However, the program does not accept that bitmap as an input of the program.

There are some useful hotkeys supported in the TA canvas:

  1. Ctrl-Z: Undo to the last state before your change.
  2. Ctrl-Y: Redo to the last Undo
  3. Delete: Delete the selected items in the canvas.

For users with a mouse, the left mouse is used to select an item and the right mouse is used to access the item's context menu. User can select multiple items by dragging the mouse pointer to create a selection around the outside of all the items to be included.

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